My works straddles four different growing sectors; small scale farming, floristry industry, domestic horticulture and landscape garden design.
Intrinsically connected, but commercially separated; yet all concerned with the same occupation; growing plants.
How plants are grown or animals reared is shrouded in much mystery. We are fed images of play farms against a hilly backdrop, carefully curated branding of lush market gardens in sunshine but unless we buy food with a solid certified label, we victims to marketing and unlikely to be aware of the highly intensive processes used.
That is not to say those methods are essentially bad but truth is, agriculture, horticulture, landscaping and floristry are some of the most polluting industries1, growing or rearing our food ranks high in every polluting way (the only industry to do so) for water pollution, air pollution, carbon generating and waste production. How can a supposedly ‘natural’ process be so destructive to our environment; no wonder it’s such a surprise when we find out.
I’ve experienced this myself, in horticulture (take compost production, peat extraction, waste, plastic, transportation) or floristry (transportation, chemical usage, water and air pollution). It seems utterly unfathomable how this has been allowed to happen for such a long time but for decades, we have been able to buy almost any fruit, vegetable or flower whenever we want. And cheaply.
Even after 15 years of working in garden design and horticulture, I didn’t really question it. The true impact of my actions never crossed my mind while in the industry. When I think of all the bamboo I planted, thick concrete pads laid and ‘perfectly safe’ glyphosate sprayed.
However, life took me in a different direction and once I started growing flowers, something changed. I began to notice what it took to grow and what grew naturally. I began to tune in with seasons, thinking in 4 dimensions. It took growing productively, noticing the issues, repetitively adjusting inputs and their effects, each and every new growing period, to explore different ways but above all, question the very foundations of my doings; what am I doing!
I started to wonder what it took to eat an asparagus in July once I saw ‘Peru’ on the label. I questioned roses in February when my plants outside were about to be pruned to the ground. I noticed the difference between my own flowers, the scent and energy as they danced in the vase over days, rather than too weak to open when slung in the trolled. Or the taste of a warm tomato off the vine in the garden compared to the cold tasteless one in November from a plastic tray.
Connection and discussions round tables has been my most best teacher. I had a client come on a course, un-knowingly enlightening me on animal welfare in agriculture, the polluted fisheries and plight of a chicken when she told me her dietary requirements were ‘plant based’ due to inflammatory illness. Once I knew, I couldn’t ignore it. I’d taken the red pill2.
The more I work in these different worlds, I am frustrated at how disconnected they are. The terms used to separate the practises and green wash others. I am certain, that the more connected we are to our local and natural worlds, the more conscious we are to what we consume, be in food, products, media, and everything. That for me, has been a good thing.
However, with many new terms to describe beneficial growing practises, be it in horticulture or agriculture, I am confused. Organic was, is, the gold standard yet other terms are being used. Are these as good? What do they bring and what is missing from them?
Through much research, trial and error, I’ve learnt that good large scale agricultural practises are the same methods you can use in your garden. The best approach for growing food and flowers, for improving soil for planting, for landscaping doesn’t need to be complex. In fact growing naturally and simply is certainly the best way.
This is a new series looking at ‘sustainable’ agricultural practises for growing food and flowers, demystifying the processes and cutting through the greenwash. The aim is that you can be more familiar with them and make informed choices. But mostly, inspire you to use them in your own garden or plots to grow so that your spaces are full of biodiversity, strong nutrient rich soils, vibrant flowers and produce.
The next instalment is on the three main sustainable practises or methods of growing starting with agroecology and how it differs from organic and regenerative practise.
Which really is best? You might be surprised.
(Agriculture is no. 2 or 4 in global terms depending on who you refer to.
Fascinating, thank you. Looking forward to the next one v much
Thank you Anna for the process and looking forward to the practicality to come