Yes, I can definitely see the seasons as being six instead of four. It warms up here or there but then it gets cold again, and the garden's just not ready.

I love seeing the little perennials popping up. We're not there yet here, but my mom lives in the Southern US and is sending me photos of plants coming up so early!

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We get fooled every year don't we! We don't really use the 'zones' in the UK but with US being so huge, it really helps navigate the temperatures doesn't it? I would think you have more variety of plants with your seasons, or at least very different in the north than the warmer south?

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This is such a great concept, Anna. Thank you for sharing that Vonnegut quote! Unlocking really captures the feeling right about now. There’s something so rewarding about those first garden jobs we’re all in the midst of now!

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We did the 'first' grass cut yesterday, taking the top off whilst edging beds. The mower will probably be packed away for several weeks now but the smell was such a promise of things to come! I'm glad for the warm bright days, but still enjoying slower evenings whilst I build up my stamina again!

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Agreed! Winter is definitely January & February and now, March 3 we have a few warm days and everything is in the verge of greening. I’m edging beds too - always so satisfying to see that crisp line. Keep the photos coming-I love how your shed and garden walls add visual weight & interest in contrast with the plants.

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Thank you! I’m not great at recording with photos and worse at sharing them! I certainly will do more. Appreciate it.

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I love fresh, clean beds. Mine are beginning their 2nd growing year. I’m adding soil amendments; focusing on Biochar and Mychorrhizae. I plan to do a comparison of 2 or 3 products as there are numerous choices all touting their best.

Anyone else using Biochar?

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That's a really good idea to compare different products. I have used biochar in terrariums but not in the ground. I think it is a good 'host' for bacterias which are essential for the soil. I don't know much about products for Mycorrhizae. I'd be very interested to know how you get on. I did once add the remainder biochar to my compost heap and the compost was certainly very good. I might try that again!

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This quote is so true. I feel more relaxed with 6 seasons. Less about stressful expectations and more slow and gentle. Suits me 😊

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No good trying to fight the weather! I agree, it is more relaxing

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This is just it and I love it! Thank you for sharing 💛

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Thank you!

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I think this is spot on, Anna. I love the idea of 6 seasons, make so much sense. The weather never really bothers me, I just get outside anyway. Good luck with that ‘unlocking’. My space is still far too wet so I am still wrestling with planting plans.

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I have a site that has been waiting to plant since before Christmas so I feel your pain about wet ground. So frustrating. The garden is on an old farm yard and must be very compacted. Do you think that is what's happened to your space? I'd love to hear more about your plans Sonja!

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Totally with this. March has always seemed a sharp, unkind month - promising much because the sun is so much higher in the sky but often shocking with its bitter bite. This is a much better way of looking at it. And, in this country, anyway, people are unlocking - winter pale and throwing off clothes at our peril…x

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I know what you mean Katy. I have always thought March to be very optimistic but it is cruel with that promise! Unlocking describes this process well rather than 'springing' into blind ill considered action. Hold fire, get out for a few hours then snuggly after sunset xx

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I didn’t know of this Vonnegut quote but it’s so spot on - thank you for steering me towards it

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It’s from a set of speeches he gave students. There is so much good stuff in there.

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March is certainly unlocking! Only now do I feel like I can push ahead and put things into action... and not just in the garden! It feels like the winter has been too long and devastating so with hope in my heart March will give us time to recover and April will give us time to smile!

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I'm so glad you are feeling that too Sue. How are your garden plans for new planting going?

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The plans are growing in my head, while I deal with drains and other such concerns! It's quite an unlocking!!!

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How are those drains doing? I hope you can get those sorted soon so you can get on with the fun bit and planning that structure! Can't wait to see it all Sue xx

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Mar 5, 2024
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I spent the day in the gardens yesterday. Now my back is unlocking!

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