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A lovely and very useful list thank you Anna !

Having decided this year to forgo any pretense or false delusions of becoming a proper flower farmer, I now content myself with knowing I can free up physical and mental space to focusing on my garden for its own sake.

Making this decision has been so liberating. I can evolve the garden space to match the rhythms of nature and my own curiosities and passions.

The garden can become the ever changing backdrop of my mosaic workshop and tutorial sessions for all to admire. I can appreciate the growth process without fretting that I must cut that Chandos Beauty rose at the height of it's perfection for someone else. It can now bloom and fade at leisure and I will observe and enjoy it's floral journey for its own sake. A decision not made lightly, but a necessary one. As your writings allude to, flower farming is an intense and time and heart heavy business. There is not enough of me to give it that much attention. Other passions and financial imperatives hold sway. But, I have learnt so much, and appreciated more.and more the lifecycle of the garden and how much we need to be in tune with nature. I will continue to enjoy your musings and tips. Thank you. Wendy 🥀🌹

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