This week in a supportive growing flowers group chat, with a long list of ‘to do’s’ we found ourselves agreeing that we didn’t entirely trust our own seed saving, it was a bit process rich and “definitely leave it to the companies that do it so well”.
I KNOW reader.
I forgot myself for a moment.
In my defence I had a tricky winter with some of my seed saving. Some got damp in the studio, others I’ve just held onto for years, now having a low germination rate. I can find all the different elements overwhelming, forgetting to do something with them. Scraps of envelopes and scribbles are simply not as easily sorted through when compared to uniform packets from some of my favourite suppliers like chilterns and vital seeds. I also have to remember when to sow them v. the clear printed instructions. I’m not surprised I was opting out with all these obstacles.
So why should I bother?