Ebb & Flow of Seasons, repetitive routines and indulgent schedules.
How to get the work done.
Years ago, Oliver Burkeham reviewed a book in the Guardian. I loved the article and found the pulled column in a box recently. Swiftly followed by a quick order, I have been trying to eke out the pleasure because I want to inhale the thing in one sitting. It is the working routines of 160 greats; great philosophers, writers, artists and composers.
“How they made time” as the cover says “and got to work..whether by amphetamines or alcohol, headstands or boxing.”
I. am. obsessed.
I reckon I am not the only one. Time, how we measure it and spend it has been a theme in my inbox recently.
Alex Rushmer shared the 23 seasons in their Restaurants’ Newsletter. (Subscribe to book dinner and stay for the links. The links!) and Austin Kleon wrote about writing to the moon. Alice Vincent about reflected on ‘The Watch’; the middle of the night when feeding her newborn. How in ‘ye olden days’ people would sleep in two shorter bursts between dusk and dawn, using the middle of the night for socialising and all sorts.
Regular readers will know that I have been growing with the moon cycles for several years now. I really enjoy the rhythm. There is an ebb and flow to the month, or to be precise, 28 days. Half of the cycle is the moon waxing and the other, waning. Essentially for gardeners, the effect of water rising through the roots, stem, leaves and flowers of plants and back again. It has made a difference. But then biodynamic gardening is about noticing and working with the soil rather than imposing my wishes on it. That simple attention could be more than enough to improve your practise.