I’ve realised recently that I love an easy to grow species that has lots of similar varieties. They are the golden plants aren’t they?
Narcissus are some of these plants right at the start of the year, with hellebores.
And at the end, chrysanthemums, such a treat.
Right now, my polytunnel smells amazing from the scent of their leaves. Not the usual garage or supermarket types. These are like fireworks and like nothing else I grow.
I’ve got two sets of chrysanthemums - one bed of them outside in the field garden. They went through last winter no problem. No protection, little watering if any all year and even had to give them a Chelsea chop to stop them flowering early.
They are only about 2-3’ high but don’t need staking. They don’t seem to need anything. And are really useful flowers at this time of year. Everyone has room for a couple of hardy ones in their borders.