#13 Cut flowers deep into the plant, condition well and give generously.
A Manifesto for Growing Cut Flowers
#13 Cut flowers deep into the plant, condition well and give generously
If you are new to my manifesto, there are other posts in the series that are pertinent to September -
Cutting and conditioning is an art and a science. It is a craft. When Cissy, a florist and teacher at Wildstems worked together throughout the covid years, we used to talk about ‘the art of the cut’. It is all well and good growing flowers for the cutting, but cutting them is not as easy as pulling fruit from a tree or harvest beans.
First you need to cut at the right time of the day and at the right stage of growth.
Cut at the right place on the plant enabling regeneration and the growth of new stems efficiently (unless it is a one hit wonder annual like nigella).
Then what do you do with that stem to ensure it has the longest vase life?
Here are is the guide to cutting late summer flowers: